Rave & Roulhac
Family & Divorce Mediation Services
Where do we go from here?

Making a Case for Mediation

Mediation is not binding. It's a discussion and a starting point. Nothing is legally agreed to and you can change your mind.
Mediation is confidential and cannot be used against you if you decide to litigate. Whatever is discussed is done so in confidence, not recorded, not binding.
You can maintain attorney representation throughout the mediation process. Mediation takes several sessions to move through all the items. Parties can consult with their attorneys throughout the process: before, during and after mediation sessions.
Nothing is filed in court until mediation is complete and the memorandum of understanding is reviewed by an attorney and turned into a marriage settlement agreement. You do not sign binding legal agreements with a mediator.
Your mediator provides a safe, unbiased, and level platform for discussions to take place. The mediator provides a framework and process so that things are equitably discussed and equitably decided.
You can stop at any time. Your mediator can go as fast or as slow as you are comfortable with. If it’s not working, you can stop or pause the process.
Most divorces end up in mediation anyway. If you decide to litigate, chances are the judge will still send you to mediation. Save the time and money by just going straight to mediation.
In mediation, you make the decisions, not a judge who doesn’t know you or your situation. You have the power to say yes or no, design a parenting plan and financial distribution plan that works for your unique situation, and design your own divorce agreement.