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Due to COVID-19, Mediation Sessions will be held virtually.  Click here for more information about Virtual Mediation.

In-Person and Virtual Mediation Sessions

What is Mediation?
A voluntary process that enables two or more people to make decisions and reach a fair and equitable settlement through the use of an impartial personto resolve a dispute or conflict.
What is a Mediator?
A mediator is a trained professional who assists the parties to reach a mutually acceptable resolution to their dispute. Mediators are impartial, neutral and unbiased.  We draft your agreements in a memorandum of understanding that becomes the basis for the document that needs to be filed in court.
What is the Mediation Process and Timeline?
Mediation takes less time to complete, allowing for an earlier solution. Typically, 3-5 ninety (90) minute sessions, over a 2-3 month time period, however, each case is different. Session times may vary depending on your willingness in resolving the matter amicably.​  You remain in control of the process and can suspend or stop mediation at any time.

What is the Role of the Attorney in Mediation?

The role of the attorney is to advise their client and also prepare their legal documents.  In some cases, clients retain representation during or after the mediation, while in other cases, clients come to mediation following retaining an attorney.  In most cases,  clients meet with the mediator, but confer with their attorneys between sessions or following the mediation.  However, there are cases where the attorneys play a more active role.  Each case is different.  You can work with the mediator and your attorney to decide which model of mediation makes sense for your case. 

Mediation - Legal Process
Getting a divorce is a legal process.  Family Court in your county will grant your divorce.  If you litigate in court and do not settle, the court will send you to economic mediation with a private Mediator.  If financially allowable, we recommend consulting with separate attorneys.  If you do not have an attorney​, we can provide a list of mediation friendly attorneys.  we will be happy to speak with your attorneys, and involve them in the process.

Mediation vs. Litigaton

Mediation is a less hostile, less confrontational format for resolving disputes, where parties attempt to resolve their differences between themselves. Before your litigation advances, work with your attorney to determine if mediation is right for your case.


Litigated divorces are not overly concerned with confidentiality. Sensitive issues are not handled delicately either, and whatever personal dignity of each party is left, it is often broken in litigation.


In the beginning of a process, a family mediator in good standards shall present a couple with a contract. According to the Divorce Mediator’s Code of Ethics, confidentiality is one of the important issues that is preserved for as long as keeping it is not life threatening to either of the parties and to others.


Yes... Mediation can help keep relationships with children.

Family Dispute
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